
Can We Compare COVID-19 to the Flu?

2020-05-15T20:35:12+00:00May 15th, 2020|Aging, Caregivers, Medical Conditions, Seniors|

Some people have downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19 by comparing it to influenza (the flu). They wonder why we have to take such dramatic precautions for this pandemic, when we accept the flu as a perennial and inevitable part of life. Doesn’t the flu kill more people than COVID-19? While the total number of people [...]

5 Tips for Proper Handwashing

2020-04-09T14:47:34+00:00March 19th, 2020|Aging, Caregivers, Companion Care, Medical Conditions, Personal Care, Seniors|

We know how important it is to wash our hands, now more than ever. Use these tips to be sure you are washing properly to maximize effectiveness. If your hands are getting dry from the seemingly constant washing, keep a pump bottle of lotion next to the sink. Friction is Key Friction is the most [...]

Engage Your Brain at Home

2020-03-27T14:21:44+00:00March 17th, 2020|Aging, Caregivers, Companion Care, Seniors|

Full Heart Home Care fully supports efforts to contain the coronavirus and encourages clients and caregivers alike to practice social distancing. If you're getting antsy in isolation, try these activities to exercise your mind and body without leaving the house. Activity: Pick a word, any word. What you'll need: Paper and pen or pencil [...]

Atlanta Area Support Groups

2020-03-05T17:34:09+00:00March 5th, 2020|Aging, Caregivers, Medical Conditions, Seniors|

You're encouraged to explore the multitude of support groups offered in the greater Atlanta area. Support groups can be very helpful for anyone facing a new diagnosis, suffering from a chronic disease or caring for a sick or disabled loved one. The most obvious benefit they provide is an outlet for your emotions and an [...]

Wills, Powers of Attorney & Advance Directives… Oh My!

2020-03-05T17:35:46+00:00December 17th, 2019|Aging, Caregivers, Seniors|

There are three main legal documents that provide clarity, guidance and peace of mind during the final stages of our lives and thereafter. These topics can be difficult to discuss, but proper documentation now will benefit you and your family immensely in the future. With the help of trusted local attorneys, we have outlined the [...]

Support Seniors This Holiday Season

2019-12-17T23:32:51+00:00November 19th, 2019|Aging, Caregivers, Seniors|

We are delighted to share an opportunity with you to help seniors this holiday season! An organization called Second Wind Dreams brings holiday cheer to socially-isolated seniors through its Gifts of Light program. You can help by adopting a senior, volunteering to distribute gifts or making a financial donation. Who Does Gifts of Light Serve? [...]

Cold Weather Activities for Seniors

2019-12-17T23:33:05+00:00November 11th, 2019|Aging, Caregivers, Companion Care, Seniors|

Don't let the cooling weather keep you from enjoying the many activities Atlanta and surrounding areas have to offer! We found a vast array of fun things for seniors to do this fall and winter, and we included some of the highlights below. Evidence has shown that leisure activities and socialization are critical elements of wellness, [...]

How To Choose A Home Care Company

2019-10-18T23:17:39+00:00September 20th, 2019|Aging, Caregivers, Companion Care, Personal Care, Seniors|

The Atlanta area is home to many home care agencies, which mainly fall into two categories: local businesses and franchises. While franchises are locally owned and operated, they are generally required to adhere to policies and procedures dictated by the national entity. By contrast, local independent businesses may have more flexibility. Full Heart Home Care [...]

Five Ways to Prevent Falls at Home

2019-10-18T23:18:01+00:00July 28th, 2019|Aging, Companion Care, Seniors|

According to the National Council on Aging, 25% of people aged 65 and over fall each year. Falls are the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among the same age group. Fall prevention should be taken very seriously by any senior who wants to maintain independence and remain in his or her own [...]

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